Minggu, 15 Juli 2012

RIYA’; DEFINISI, SEBAB, MACAM, SERTA SOLUSINYA Oleh: Abu Muhammad Abdurrahman Sarijan A. Definisi Riya’ adalah seseorang beramal shalih dengan maksud untuk dilihat/dipuji oleh orang lain. B. Sebab Timbulnya Riya’ Riya’ ditimbulkan oleh beberapa faktor sebagai berikut: • Senang karena lezatnya pujian orang lain. • Lari dari celaan. • Rakus akan apa yang diperoleh/terdapat pada orang lain. C. Sebab Bahayanya Riya’ • Lebih berbahaya dari fitnah Dajjal. • Riya’ menjadi sebab azab di Neraka. • Riya’ adalah cirri perbuatan orang-orang Munafiq. D. Macam-macam Riya’ • Seorang hamba dalam beribadah menginginkan selain Allah. Dia senang orang lain tahu/melihat apa yang diperbuatnya. Dia tidak menunjukkan keikhlasan dalam beribadah kepada Allah dan ini termasuk jenis nifaq. • Seorang hamba beribadah dengan tujuan dan keinginannya ikhlas karena Allah, namun ketika manusia melihat ibadahnya maka ia bertambah giat dalam beribadah serta membaguskan ibadahnya. Ini termasuk perbuatan syirik tersembunyi. • Seorang hamba beribadah pada awalnya ikhlas karena Allah dan sampai selesai keadaannya masih demikian, namun pada akhir ibadahnya dipuji oleh manusia dan ia merasa bangga dengan pujian manusia tersebut serta ia mendapatkan apa yang diinginkannya (dunia, missal: dengan memperoleh kedudukan di masyarakat dll). • Riya’ badaniyah, yaitu perbuatan riya’ dengan menampakkan badan/jasadnya kurus karena banyaknya ibadah sehingga ia disebut sebagai orang ABID (Ahli Ibadah). • Riya’ dari sisi penampilan atau model. Seperti orang yang berpenampilan compang-camping agar ia dilihat seperti orang yang berlaku/berbuat zuhud 1). • Riya’ pada ucapan, misal orang yang memberat-beratkan suaranya. • Riya’ dengan amalan. • Riya’ dengan teman dan orang-orang yang mengunjunginya. Misal: Teman-teman/orang-orang yang mengunjunginya adalah para ustadz/ulama, maka ia menjadi bangga dan mengharap pujian dari hal tersebut. • Riya’ dengan mencela dirinya dihadapan manusia. • Seorang beramal dengan amal ketaatan dan tidak seorangpun mengetahuinya, ia tidak ingin tenar. Akan tetapi jika ia dilihat manusia, ia menginginkan diawali/dihormati dengan pengucapan salam. • Menjadikan perbuatan ikhlasnya itu sebagai wasilah terhadap apa yang dia inginkan. E. Solusi Agar Terhindar Dari Riya’ Diantara solusi agar kita terhindar dari perbuatan riya’ adalah sbb: • Mengetahui jenis-jenis amalan yang diperuntukkan untuk dunia dan mengetahui jenis-jenis riya’ serta factor-faktor pendorong perbuatan riya’ • Mengetahui keagungan Allah Azza wa Jalla. • Mengenal/mengetahui apa yang telah Allah persiapkan untuk akhir kehidupan. • Takut dari beramal untuk kepentingan dunia.

Rabu, 01 Februari 2012

oliver twist

Oliver Twist is Raleigh, North Carolina’s premiere Wine & Martini Bar featuring an extensive wine selection and more than 20 signature martinis! Choose from favorites such as Oliver’s Passion, the mint-flavored Seduction, or pamper yourself with the very berry-liscious, Dozen Roses. Whatever your flavor, Oliver Twist has something for everyone!
Hang out after dinner and see the Jekyll and Hyde transformation from a casual but swank restaurant, to an after hours let-your-hair-down get-your-freak-on lounge. Think of us as your sophisticated, good-time destination without the hassle of the red velvet rope. Amenities include a VIP room, late-night kitchen, cozy patio, plenty of close parking options, and the area’s most talented bartenders.
Oliver Twist is born in a workhouse in a provincial town. His mother has been found very sick in the street, and she gives birth to Oliver just before she dies. Oliver is raised under the care of Mrs. Mann and the beadle Mr. Bumble in the workhouse. When it falls to Oliver’s lot to ask for more food on behalf of all the starving children in the workhouse, he is trashed, and then apprenticed to an undertaker, Mr. Sowerberry. Another apprentice of Mr. Sowerberry’s, Noah Claypole insults Oliver’s dead mother and the small and frail Oliver attacks him. However, Oliver is punished severely, and he runs away to London. Here he is picked up by Jack Dawkins or the Artful Dodger as he is called. The Artful Dodger is a member of the Jew Fagin’s gang of boys. Fagin has trained the boys to become pickpockets. The Artful Dodger takes Oliver to Fagin’s den in the London slums, and Oliver, who innocently does not understand that he is among criminals, becomes one of Fagin’s boys.
When Oliver is sent out with The Artful Dodger and another boy on a pickpocket expedition Oliver is so shocked when he realizes what is going on that he and not the two other boys are caught. Fortunately, the victim of the thieves, the old benevolent gentleman, Mr. Brownlow rescues Oliver from arrest and brings him to his house, where the housekeeper, Mrs. Bedwin nurses him back to life after he had fallen sick, and for the first time in his life he is happy.
However, with the help of the brutal murderer Bill Sikes and the prostitute Nancy Fagin kidnaps Oliver. Fagin is prompted to do this by the mysterious Mr. Monks. Oliver is taken along on a burglary expedition in the country. The thieves are discovered in the house of Mrs. Maylie and her adopted niece, Rose, and Oliver is shot and wounded. Sikes escapes. Rose and Mrs. Maylie nurse the wounded Oliver. When he tells them his story they believe him, and he settles with them. While living with Rose and Mrs. Maylie Oliver one day sees Fagin and Monks looking at him in through a window. Nancy discovers that Monks is plotting against Oliver for some reason, bribing Fagin to corrupt his innocence. Nancy also learns that there is some kind of connection between Rose and Oliver; but after having told Rose’s adviser and friend Dr. Losberne about it on the steps of London Bridge, she is discovered by Noah Claypole, who in the meantime has become a member of Fagin’s gang, and Sykes murders her. On his frantic flight away from the crime Sykes accidentally and dramatically hangs himself. Fagin and the rest of the gang are arrested. Fagin is executed after Oliver has visited him in the condemned cell in Newgate Prison. The Artful Dodger is transported after a court scene in which he eloquently defends himself and his class.
Monks’ plot against Oliver is disclosed by Mr. Brownlow. Monks is Oliver’s half-brother seeking all of the inheritance for himself. Oliver’s father’s will states that he will leave money to Oliver on the condition that his reputation is clean. Oliver’s dead mother and Rose were sisters. Monks receives his share of the inheritance and goes away to America. He dies in prison there, and Oliver is adopted by Mr. Brownlow.